

Critique of the Xia-Shang-Zhou Chronology Project / 2024.07


蒋祖棣 著 / By Zudi Jiang

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Critique of the Xia-Shang-Zhou Chronology Project / 2024.07


蒋祖棣 著 / By Zudi Jiang

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Critique of the Xia-Shang-Zhou Chronology Project / 2024.07


蒋祖棣 著 / By Zudi Jiang

亦可购于AMAZON 、BARNES&NOBLE 等网上书店- (请用英文书名检索)美国客户可享受该书店的免邮费选项.


蒋祖棣 (1956 - ~ ),1982年毕业于北京大学历史系考古专业。1990年以博士论文《玛雅与古代中国》获北京大学历史学博士学位并留校任教,讲授商周考古、田野考古等课程,曾参与或主持在山西、陕西、甘肃、湖北等地的考古工作。后因故赴美到硅谷发展,就职于Intel(英特尔)。1999年到2011年曾任斯坦福大学亚洲宗教文化研究中心兼职研究员。2002年4月,在芝加哥大学举办的有中外学者参加的夏商周断代工程辩论会上,蒋提供了对工程年代研究结果无可辩驳的最重要的质疑和批评。


夏商周断代工程由中国政府高官提议和推动成立,被纳入中国的第九个五年计划   (1996-2000)和九五国家重点科技攻关项目,是近现代国学领域仅见、享有最高话语权和资源的文化研究项目。可是,工程的学术负责人以“一言堂”操作年代研究,轻忽其他专家学者的意见。他们炮制出投机取巧的年代研究方法,用自己杜撰的年代范围剔除先贤的纪年研究,关键年代的选定皆由几位负责人定夺。工程操作和年代研究的问题启动时便已显现,后来更加纷纭舛错。2000年11月10日,断代工程在北京发布了《简本》年代研究报告。同一天,美国《纽约时报》刊文评论《简本》,其中载有斯坦福大学大牌教授倪德卫的著名断言:“国际学者将把这份报告撕成碎片”。





倪德卫 (David Nivision):邹衡的学生蒋祖棣现在在加州的英特尔工作,他带着一篇中文的、主要指向仇士华和拆穿工程14C工作的文章来到芝加哥。令我们没有想到的是:三位中国客人(指与会的三位工程专家)都完全同意了祖棣的观点。




以下摘自許倬雲按語 - 西周年代研究之疑問(摘要)《漢學研究通訊》,21:4 (總84期),第1-4頁,國家圖書館,臺北,2002年11月。


今年四月初 (2002年),在美國舉行的亞洲研究學會年會上,中外學者質疑問難。。。亞洲研究學會年會之後,關心的中外學者及“工程”工作人員又在芝加哥大學舉行更為具體的討論。當時我已返台,遂坐失聆聽的機會,深為遺憾。嗣後取得有關對話的記錄一讀,對於蔣祖棣先生提出的檢討十分欽服。蔣文提出的論點指出“工程”運用碳十四斷代及西周灃西遺址陶器分期,都有著意扭曲史料,強求適合預設結論之處,難免落了“強不知以為知”的學術大忌。蔣氏已向“中國文物報”投稿,該刊並已登載數篇與蔣文商榷的文章,而蔣氏的意見則至今未見刊佈。。。。我們相信蔣氏討論文章終將問世,僅拭目以待。這一事件,本來可以完全為學術性的討論。亞洲年會上的討論,美國學者強力堅持其自己提出的“一王二元年”主張,也未必令人信服。中國政府支付鉅款,支持學術研究計畫,並不逾越世界學術界一般情形;而且斥資支援研究的單位,也並未要求得到預設結論。這次事件的問題所在,可能是執行“工程”人員,求功心切,遂致扭曲資料,強求結論,難免操切之處。但願中共當局不護短,不掩過失,讓學術問題留在學術領域,毋以“欽定”方式,強力推銷,作為官訂年代。



The Xia-Shang-Zhou Chronology Project was proposed and promoted by a senior official of Chinese government, and it was included in China’s Ninth Five-Year National Plan (1996 - 2000)as one of the Key Scientific and Technological Research Projects. In modern Chinese history, it is the first and only cultural research project in the Five-Year Plan, giving it the highest influence and abundant resources. However, the academic leaders of the project have always operated the project by their own, ignoring the ideas of the internal experts and scholars. They designed devious chronological research methods, such as manipulating a radio carbon 14(14C)dating range to eliminate the studies of previous scholars. The final key years of the research project are all based on the project leaders’ personal opinions, making the chronological conclusions fundamentally wrong. Such problems have continued to emerge since the project started. On November 10, 2000, the Xia-Shang-Zhou Chronology Project released its research report on the “Short Version” in Beijing. On the same day, The New York Times published a reviewing article of the “Short Version”, which contained the famous assertion by Professor David Nivison, a well-known sinologist at Stanford University, that “International scholars will tear this report into pieces.”

In April 2002, the University of Chicago hosted a conference discussing the Xia-Shang-Zhou Chronology Project attended by the project’s experts and American scholars. The author of this book, a research fellow of Asian Religions and Culture Initiative in Stanford University, pointed out serious errors and problems in the project's archaeological dating and 14C dating research. The project's top archaeological and 14C experts acknowledged the errors and problems at the meeting; however, after the conference, project leaders including Li Xueqin refused to correct the errors. In the China Cultural Relics News, a newspaper in Beijing, they publicly denied admitting to mistakes and problems at the Chicago conference. Li also organized several internal meetings to criticize the author’s doubts. However, after multiple serious discussions, most scholars in the project agreed with the author's criticisms, and as a result, participants of the meetings were unable to make a critical text. The author's article for the Chicago conference has been affirmed and supported by top scholars in Chinese historical and archaeological circles such as Su Bai (Chairman, the Chinese Archaeological Society), Xu Pingfang (Director, the Institute of Archeology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences), Zou Heng (Professor, Department of Archeology, Peking University), Yu Weichao,( Director, National Museum of Chinese History) and Cho-yun Hsu (University Professor, Department of History, University of Pittsburgh). Since then, more and more scholars around the world have criticized the “Short Version", which led to a prolonged hiatus for the project. As a result, the government did not implement its plan to use the project’s "Xia-Shang-Zhou Chronology Table" in Chinese schoolbooks.

In 2022, the “Xia-Shang-Zhou Chronology Project Report” was published in Beijing. To our dismay, the report continued all the key errors of the “Short Version", failing to acknowledge or even mention any of the past two decades’ criticisms of the “Short Version”. This has set a devastating precedent in the history of Chinese academic research by blatantly violating academic ethics. Thus, the “Xia-Shang-Zhou Chronology Project Report” can only be described as a work that deceives the world.

This book reviews the debate of “Short Version” in the academic circles before and after the Chicago Conference and the outcomes. It provides an in-depth analysis of the newly published report’s stubborn adherence to the fundamental mistakes of the “Short Version” in chronological research. This book also serves to enlighten the understanding of contemporary Chinese history, archaeology, and chronology studies.